Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New place and earthquake

From Scott: We moved from our apartment to a house this week. Kids needed a better area to play besides the apartment living room or the front area of nearby shops looking for bottle caps in the dirt (but more on that later). The house is located in an ex-pat area called PPF-Njiro and is run by the Tanzanian parastatal pension fund. House is very nice on the outside and has a great yard with lots of flowering shrubs and trees. I'll try to post a picture soon. The inside is well used and the problem is we have to share it. We are usually by ourselves during the day, but in the evenings, the cockroaches and assorted other insects come out. There are more bugs than the five tropical house geckos that inhabit our front porch can manage.

But the PPF site has a nearby playground, pool, and work out area. So we'll see.

For more excitement, each of the last three evenings, we have had little earthquakes. Yesterday evening it registered 6.0 on the richter scale and brought everyone out of their buildings. The government has issued an earthquake warning startng at 4 PM today. Everyone was to go home and turn off gas, water, and electricity and stay in open areas this evening. So, the adventure continues.


Anonymous said...

I just heard last night from Lunsford about the earthquake. Glad to hear you all are alright.

Besides the bugs, I hope the move was good. I am just glad I got the bugless abode.

douglas said...

Charlie: great an earthquake, hope the volcano doesn't erupt. Better keep an eye on it.


Carla Fawcett said...

Angelia - I don't know if you all are on the way home or not but I forgot to ask you if you would/could get something for me. It is probably too late but I was wanting a pieceof jewelry from your travels. I'll get the money to you as soon as you get home - if it isn't too late. You have great taste and you know what I would like.

Can't wait to hear all about your travels. Looks wonderful.

Carla Fawcett